Margaret A. Donnelly, P.C.

Dallas Office:

Ft. Worth Office: 817.984.6404
Houston Office: 281.407.2755


social security

Social Security

For people considering immigration services, one benefit you should know about is the American Social Security program.   Many nonimmigrants are already paying taxes but not getting credit for the future checks that Americans get once they are 65 (which is based on the taxes they paid during their lifetime).  These checks range from $800 -$3000 a month. For those who want to pay for thinking about the future where you social check retirement for the rest of your life.

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Personas esperando la ley 245(i) deben mudarse a Oklahoma

Además de buscar soluciones prácticas para inmigrar sin salir de los Estados Unidos, miembros de la comunidad hispana estadounidense debe de seguir presionando a los políticos estadounidenses con el fin de solucionar el problema de estatus migratorio a familias inmigrantes. Además, se agilizaría el acto de sueño (Dream Act), permisos para trabajadores agrícolas, y nuevas

Personas esperando la ley 245(i) deben mudarse a Oklahoma Read More »


If you are a Lawful Permanent Resident (green card holder), have a criminal record (no matter how old or how minor), and plan to travel outside of the United States, you need to consult with an immigration attorney to advise you.  There is a possibility that you may be denied re-entry simply because of your


Start-Up America: A two-in-one tool to invest and work in the United States

In an August 2011 press release, representatives of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced initiatives that would promote start-up enterprises and create jobs in the U.S. This was going to be done through a program called Start-Up America, an initiative to promote entrepreneurship in the country. It was started six years ago, but only now seems to be taking the spotlight against the backdrop of increasing unemployment figures and lowered GDP figures.

Start-Up America: A two-in-one tool to invest and work in the United States Read More »

Reforma migratoria merece ser mejor comprendida por los mexicanos y norteamericanos

Parece mentira que los esfuerzos recientes para aprobar una reforma general a las leyes de inmigración se vio obstaculizada de nuevo en el Congreso de los Estados Unidos. Una de las razones por las cuales un proyecto de esta gran magnitud fracasó fue por todas las malas interpretaciones que rodean el tema de inmigración. Nadie en Washington comprende la gran necesidad del Dream Act, de la “ley de la multa,” conocida como la 245(i), o una reforma inmigratoria general.

Reforma migratoria merece ser mejor comprendida por los mexicanos y norteamericanos Read More »

A Permament Resident is not a U.S. Citizen

Many U.S. citizens who oppose immigration in all its forms don’t understand how the U.S. immigration system works. Most believe that undocumented immigrants automatically become U.S. citizens when they arrive in the United States or become legal immigrants. Therefore, for the purpose of shedding some light on the issue, let me begin by stating that there is a huge difference between an “undocumented” immigrant and a “legal” immigrant, and between a “legal” immigrant and a U.S. citizen.

All legal immigrants who eventually become U.S. citizens have to start at ground zero. This is the status of being an alien, a citizen of another country who is granted the right to live and work in the United States on a permanent basis. The new status is known as “Lawful Permanent Residence,” or LPR. LPR doesn’t change the citizenship of the alien. For instance, someone from France retains his French citizenship although he has a right to live and work in the U.S. indefinitely as long as he doesn’t abandon his residence in the U.S. Living in France for eight months out of the year is treated as an abandonment of his LPR status.

A Permament Resident is not a U.S. Citizen Read More »

The Secret About NAFTA Professional Visas

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) offers Mexican and Canadian professionals the opportunity to work in the United States. The category is known as the “TN visa.” The TN visa, however, has been widely ignored by U.S. businesses because they became accustomed to the more cumbersome H-1B visa, another category for foreign professional workers.

What U.S. businesses don’t know is that the TN offers many advantages over the H-1B visa. For instance, the TN visa includes more professions than the H-1B, and there is no time limit whereas the H-1B can be used for up to six years. Another advantage is a fast track feature for Canadian professionals who can apply for the visa at a U.S. port of entry without going through a U.S. consulate.

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Visas de inversionista bajo el Tratado de Libre Comercio (NAFTA) agilizan el proceso de inversión para los mexicanos

El 1 de enero de 1994, entró en vigor el Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) entre los Estados Unidos, México y Canadá, que afectó directamente al proceso de visas de inversionista para ciudadanos de esos tres países.

El TLC reemplazó el viejo procedimiento que dependía del sistema tradicional que no daba oportunidades de inversión a dichos ciudadanos. En la actualidad se están otorgando estas visas a empresas y personas que pasan por una rigurosa investigación de seguridad, dispuestos a invertir una cantidad adecuada, por lo menos el 51%, del costo de la inversión. Por ejemplo, si la compra de un restaurante es 300.000$(US), se requiere el pago del 51% que cubriría equipo, muebles, inventario u otros gastos relacionados a dicha inversión. En el caso de un inversionista mexicano, el dinero sería trasladado desde México a los Estados Unidos vía giros bancarios cuyo propósito es demostrar el origen de los fondos para un propósito legal en los Estados Unidos.

Visas de inversionista bajo el Tratado de Libre Comercio (NAFTA) agilizan el proceso de inversión para los mexicanos Read More »

U.S. Employment-based immigration Needs Overhaul

The U.S. needs to compete with a rapidly evolving global economy and one way to do it is by absorbing needed foreign workers. Under current conditions, however, U.S. employers must depend on what is commonly known as an outdated and complex “Employment-Based Preference Three” (EB-3) in order to sponsor a skilled or professional alien worker.

U.S. Employment-based immigration Needs Overhaul Read More »