Margaret A. Donnelly, P.C.

Dallas Office:

Ft. Worth Office: 817.984.6404
Houston Office: 281.407.2755

coyote legal

social security

Social Security

For people considering immigration services, one benefit you should know about is the American Social Security program.   Many nonimmigrants are already paying taxes but not getting credit for the future checks that Americans get once they are 65 (which is based on the taxes they paid during their lifetime).  These checks range from $800 -$3000 a month. For those who want to pay for thinking about the future where you social check retirement for the rest of your life.

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Trump Actively Deporting during Covid-19 Crisis

The Trump Administration is actively deporting undocumented immigrants during the Covid-19 pandemic. According to Washington Post reporter Nick Miroff, as reported in an article published in the Washington Post on April 9th, over 10,000 summary deportations have been processed since March 21st… just a little over three weeks. The deportations were performed under a special

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How to Stay in the United States Now That H1B Visas Are At Their Annual Cap

Last week, the extremely popular H1B visa hit its annual cap for 2016, which means no more of this type of visa will be issued this year. However, if you were planning to apply for the H1B to work in the U.S., there is still hope. You may qualify for other types of visas, depending

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Personas esperando la ley 245(i) deben mudarse a Oklahoma

Además de buscar soluciones prácticas para inmigrar sin salir de los Estados Unidos, miembros de la comunidad hispana estadounidense debe de seguir presionando a los políticos estadounidenses con el fin de solucionar el problema de estatus migratorio a familias inmigrantes. Además, se agilizaría el acto de sueño (Dream Act), permisos para trabajadores agrícolas, y nuevas

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Alabama is Persecuting Hispanics instead of Creating Jobs for the People of Alabama

America is witnessing a new phase in the U. S.  immigration world:  state laws which allow local enforcement to act as federal agents and directly enforce federal   immigration laws.  Many debates are emerging as to why states like Alabama should enact these types of laws.  Those in favor claim it is simply to preserve jobs

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If you are a Lawful Permanent Resident (green card holder), have a criminal record (no matter how old or how minor), and plan to travel outside of the United States, you need to consult with an immigration attorney to advise you.  There is a possibility that you may be denied re-entry simply because of your


Start-Up America: A two-in-one tool to invest and work in the United States

In an August 2011 press release, representatives of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced initiatives that would promote start-up enterprises and create jobs in the U.S. This was going to be done through a program called Start-Up America, an initiative to promote entrepreneurship in the country. It was started six years ago, but only now seems to be taking the spotlight against the backdrop of increasing unemployment figures and lowered GDP figures.

Start-Up America: A two-in-one tool to invest and work in the United States Read More »