Margaret A. Donnelly, P.C.

Dallas Office:

Ft. Worth Office: 817.984.6404
Houston Office: 281.407.2755

how to become a US citizen

Human Rights Fight: You Will Not Believe How Often This Crime Against Migrants Is Committed

Imagine: Life in your home country is so dangerous or hopeless that you journey a thousand miles with nothing but your savings, a change of clothes, a cell phone and a list of family phone numbers. You know there is a legal procedure for getting into this promised land, but your life is at stake

Human Rights Fight: You Will Not Believe How Often This Crime Against Migrants Is Committed Read More »

immigrants sworn in as citizens

What Immigrants Must Do Before Trump Takes Office on January 20

Since the Presidential election, our office has been busy fielding questions regarding the steps foreign-born residents should take now that Donald Trump is scheduled to take office on January 20. Our best answer: contact our office so that we can give you specific advice based on the particulars of your situation. However, here are some

What Immigrants Must Do Before Trump Takes Office on January 20 Read More »

immigrants celebrating with US flag

Good News for Immigrant Families: Provisional Waiver Expanded to More People

Today, we are pleased to announce good news. As immigration rights advocates, we are continuing to chip away at the inhumane, unconscionable rules that have forced thousands of families to separate against their will, making mothers or fathers live in different countries from their spouses and children for up to 10 years. Over our nearly

Good News for Immigrant Families: Provisional Waiver Expanded to More People Read More »