Margaret A. Donnelly, P.C.

Dallas Office:

Ft. Worth Office: 817.984.6404
Houston Office: 281.407.2755

best immigration lawyers texas

A Bigger Picture of the Venezuelan Threat: What Americans Need to Know Right Now

Earlier this week multiple news outlets reported that Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro is threatening the U.S. with war. Upset by President Trump’s ban disallowing Venezuelan officials from entering the country, Maduro reportedly stated, “We have been shamelessly threatened by the most criminal empire that ever existed and we have the obligation to prepare ourselves to […]

A Bigger Picture of the Venezuelan Threat: What Americans Need to Know Right Now Read More »

immigrants celebrating with US flag

Good News for Immigrant Families: Provisional Waiver Expanded to More People

Today, we are pleased to announce good news. As immigration rights advocates, we are continuing to chip away at the inhumane, unconscionable rules that have forced thousands of families to separate against their will, making mothers or fathers live in different countries from their spouses and children for up to 10 years. Over our nearly

Good News for Immigrant Families: Provisional Waiver Expanded to More People Read More »

How to Stay in the United States Now That H1B Visas Are At Their Annual Cap

Last week, the extremely popular H1B visa hit its annual cap for 2016, which means no more of this type of visa will be issued this year. However, if you were planning to apply for the H1B to work in the U.S., there is still hope. You may qualify for other types of visas, depending

How to Stay in the United States Now That H1B Visas Are At Their Annual Cap Read More »