Margaret A. Donnelly, P.C.

Dallas Office:

Ft. Worth Office: 817.984.6404
Houston Office: 281.407.2755


Why Building a Wall on the Border Will Not Work

Immigration has been one of this year’s hot button topics. Immigration policy has sparked arguments and division amongst friends and family. Politicians and Presidential-hopefuls have gathered supporters or alienated crowds based on the way they believe immigrants and refugees should be treated. The country of Guatemala has actually banned Donald Trump based on his “racist”

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How to get asylum in the u.s.

You’re Invited to a Webinar: How to Get Asylum For Your Clients

Which one has a better chance of being granted political asylum in the United States: an armed member of a terrorist group or an armed member of a drug cartel? The answer will probably surprise you. Almost 20 years ago, an immigration judge made a decision which angered many, but which helped define the way

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