Margaret A. Donnelly, P.C.

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social security

Social Security

For people considering immigration services, one benefit you should know about is the American Social Security program.   Many nonimmigrants are already paying taxes but not getting credit for the future checks that Americans get once they are 65 (which is based on the taxes they paid during their lifetime).  These checks range from $800 -$3000 a month. For those who want to pay for thinking about the future where you social check retirement for the rest of your life.

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How to Stay in the United States Now That H1B Visas Are At Their Annual Cap

Last week, the extremely popular H1B visa hit its annual cap for 2016, which means no more of this type of visa will be issued this year. However, if you were planning to apply for the H1B to work in the U.S., there is still hope. You may qualify for other types of visas, depending

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