On November 14, the Mexico Institute will honor esteemed writer/activist/attorney Margaret Donnelly with a reception at the Museum of Biblical Art. The reason for the occasion: to celebrate one of Ms. Donnelly’s books, The Song of the Goldencocks.
The Song of the Goldencocks, which won an International Latino Book Award, melds page-turning fiction with fascinating historical research into the dark and dangerous Nazi origins of Latin American death squads. It peers into mysteries and poses questions that some of us are afraid to ask. This book takes on abusive political authorities while espousing a strong message of empowerment to Latin America’s downtrodden and silenced populations.
From the back cover: “After the end of World War II, high-ranking Nazi officials escaped Europe with the help of Argentina’s Juan Domingo Peron in order to avoid the Nuremberg trials. While carting loot they stole from Holocaust victims, the officials spread their ruthless military tactics among Latin American paramilitary units, resulting in hundreds of thousands of kidnappings and deaths over the years.
Forty-four years later, a young and naïve Venezuelan named Ivan Trushenko uncovers this long- hidden history when he mistakenly becomes involved with suspected Nazi war criminals. Accused of providing a false identity to a war criminal, Trushenko is interrogated under the harshest of circumstances and, after hours of torture, finally reveals a dark secret.”
Ms. Donnelly is well-known across the Americas for her tireless efforts to right the injustices faced by the oppressed. This theme unites her seemingly disparate contributions as a volunteer, immigration lawyer and award-winning author.
At the Museum of Biblical Art reception, Ms. Donnelly will offer a book signing and give a lecture regarding The Song of the Goldencocks. Afterwards, there will be time to enjoy fantastic kosher food and beverages and to meet and mingle with community leaders from around the world.

Located in the center of the museum, this reception will offer opportunities to enjoy art, intellectual stimulation, networking with local and global community leaders, and the chance to honor a hard-working woman who lives her life to make this world a better place for all of us.
The details:
Thursday, November 14, 6-8 pm
Museum of Biblical Art, 7500 Park Lane, Dallas, Texas, 75225
RSVP (required) : themexicoinstitute@themexicoinstitute.org
For more information, please call Clara Hinojosa at 972-238-0106