immigration lawyer ft. worth

refugees at mexican border

Do You Know The Biggest Problems With Our Immigration System?

While we have heard plenty of ideas regarding immigration reform in recent years, we need to focus on more common sense, practical solutions to our immigration problems. Before we can agree on what these solutions should be, we have to define and examine our problems. A border wall and detention (essentially jail time for undocumented …

Do You Know The Biggest Problems With Our Immigration System? Read More »

immigrants protest deportation

I Was Shocked To Find Out What the UN Said About U.S. Immigrants

United States citizens have so many freedoms for which to be grateful. We are free to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. We are free to worship Jesus, Allah, or Mother Nature. We are free to say what we want about our leaders, and we’re free to campaign against them when we don’t agree with what …

I Was Shocked To Find Out What the UN Said About U.S. Immigrants Read More »

On the Culture, Politics and Spirits of Venezuela

More terrible news out of Venezuela. Last week, two more protesters were killed, this time by masked gunmen who were riding motorcycles with a pro-government militia, firing into the crowd at random. Since February’s inception of Venezuelan student protests against the government which has provoked a sustained response of violence, torture, murder and disappearances, author …

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Students march for the DREAM Act

DREAM Act for Immigrants: Lessons From the Past

One recipe for wisdom is experience mixed with reflection. That’s why it’s important to consider the past when we’re making decisions. As we form opinions and encourage Congress to vote on the DREAM Act, we would be wise to reflect upon lessons learned from a past immigration bill with an important similarity to the DREAM …

DREAM Act for Immigrants: Lessons From the Past Read More »