Margaret A. Donnelly, P.C.

Dallas Office:

Ft. Worth Office: 817.984.6404
Houston Office: 281.407.2755

illegal immigration

The Problem: Unaccompanied Children Crossing the Border

A hot topic in immigration news this week: the skyrocketing number of unaccompanied immigrant children who are making the dangerous trip from their homes in Central America and Mexico to cross the border into the U.S. As noted by Huffington Post writer Marco Cáceres, during the first eight months of fiscal year 2014 (October 2013

The Problem: Unaccompanied Children Crossing the Border Read More »

Immigration and Economic Problems Caused by NAFTA

This year marks NAFTA’s 20th anniversary (it was signed on December 12, 1992 and implemented in 1994). We find no reason to celebrate the occasion. How has NAFTA impacted us?  The goal of NAFTA was to eliminate barriers with trading and investment between the U.S., Canada and Mexico. While NAFTA may have helped boost intraregional

Immigration and Economic Problems Caused by NAFTA Read More »