Margaret A. Donnelly, P.C.

Dallas Office:

Ft. Worth Office: 817.984.6404
Houston Office: 281.407.2755

border security

american flags

Could Trump’s Border Wall Actually Be a Good Idea?

  In the past, we have decried Trump’s border wall proposal, railing against it as an unworkable plan that holds potential to trash our diplomatic relations with Mexico while putting our nation’s food security at risk and threatening the health of industry. Today, after reading plans submitted by entities that want to actually get the […]

Could Trump’s Border Wall Actually Be a Good Idea? Read More »

pope francis in mexico

Uniting the Americas: Pope Francis on the Border Wall

If you follow the news, you probably heard about the bold statements Pope Francis made during his visit to Mexico. In a beautiful tribute to the unity of mankind despite arbitrary border divisions, Francis celebrated Mass at the Mexican-US border. Reportedly, 200,000 Mexicans attended while 30,000 Americans watched him on the big screen at the

Uniting the Americas: Pope Francis on the Border Wall Read More »

Why Building a Wall on the Border Will Not Work

Immigration has been one of this year’s hot button topics. Immigration policy has sparked arguments and division amongst friends and family. Politicians and Presidential-hopefuls have gathered supporters or alienated crowds based on the way they believe immigrants and refugees should be treated. The country of Guatemala has actually banned Donald Trump based on his “racist”

Why Building a Wall on the Border Will Not Work Read More »